List of publications
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  1. VITALI F., 1991 - Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane, 190 - Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana 123 (1): 74.
    Phoracantha semipunctata (F.) is recorded from Northern Corsica for the first time (in Italian).

  2. VITALI F., 1995 - Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane, 283-287 - Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana 127 (1): 68-69.
    Alosterna tabacicolor (DeG.), Callimellum angulatum (Schrk.), Molorchus minor (F.) and Obrium brunneum (F.) are recorded from Liguria for the first time (in Italian).

  3. VITALI F., 1996 - Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane, 309-312 - Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana, 128 (1): 90.
    Four Hymenopters of wood (Sphecidae) are recorded from some Italian regions for the first time : Mimumesa dahlbomi (Wesmael) for Liguria, Spilomena beata Blüthgen for Liguria and Tuscany, Crossocerus podagricus (Van der Linden) for Tuscany and Ampulex fasciata Jurine for the Central Italy (in Italian).

  4. VITALI F., 1998a - La figura del naturalista nell'indagine ricognitiva - Presenza tecnica, XXVI (2): 78.
    The importance of the Naturalist by the analysis of building wood is underlined (in Italian).

  5. VITALI F., 1998b - Nouvelle découverte de Phorachanta semipunctata (Fabricius) (Col. Cerambycidae) - L'Entomologiste 54 (6): 250.
    Phoracantha semipunctata (F.) is recorded from Var (Provence, France) for the first time (in French).

  6. VITALI F., 1999a - Nuovi dati corologici per alcune specie di Cerambicidi italiani (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Doriana VII (315): 1-6.
    Twelve cerambycids are recorded for the first time for some Italian regions: Brachyleptura simplonica (Fairm.) for Lombardia, Dinoptera collaris (L.), Brachyleptura hybrida (Rey), Anastrangalia dubia (Scop.), Pachytodes cerambyciformis (Schrk.), Rosalia alpina (L.) and Xylotrechus stebbingi Gah. for Liguria, Cortodera humeralis (Schall.) for Abruzzi, Stenurella bifasciata (Müll.), Deilus fugax (Ol.) and Anaglyptus gibbosus (F.) for Molise, Musaria nigripes nigrohirta (Müll.) for Calabria. The analysis of the distribution of Brachyleptura simplonica proves its specific validity as bona species (in Italian).

  7. VITALI F., 1999b - Il pericolo termiti per la cattedrale di Genova - Presenza tecnica XXVII (2): 54-55.
    The presence of a termites colony in Genoa Cathedral is recorded. The relationship between such insects and the presence of guano on building wood is discussed (in Italian).

  8. VITALI F., 1999c - Eine neue Trirachys-Art von den Philippinen (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) - Mitteilungen der Münchner entomologischen Gesellschaft 89: 71-73.
    Trirachys acanthophorus n. sp. (Cerambycini) from Panay (Philippines) is described and compared with closely related species (in German with English summary).

  9. VITALI F., 2000 - Eine neue Cylindrepomus-Art von Malakka (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Entomofauna 21 (21): 253-256.
    Cylindrepomus ballerioi n. sp. (Lamiinae, Dorcaschematini) from Malaysia is described and compared with closely related species (in German with English summary).

  1. VITALI F., 2001a - Description des œufs des espèces françaises du genre Cerambyx. (première contribution à l'étude des œufs des longicornes) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) - Les Cahiers Magellanes 4: 1-14.
    The eggs of Cerambyx velutinus Brullé, Cerambyx cerdo L., Cerambyx miles Bonelli and Cerambyx scopolii Füssl. are described and illustrated with drawings and micrographs for the first time. A key for their determination is provided (in French with English summary and key).

  2. VITALI F., 2001b - Vesperus ligusticus, nuova specie di cerambicide italiano (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Vesperinae) - Lambillionea CI (1): 149-152.
    Vesperus ligusticus n. sp., an endemic Italian longhorn characterised by wintry adult phenology is described and compared with with closely related species (in Italian with French summary).

  3. VITALI F., 2001c - Description de la larve de deux longicornes de Guadeloupe: Chaetanes fleutiauxi Villiers, 1980 et Leptostyloides assimilis (Gahan, 1895) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Acanthocinini) - L'Entomologiste 57 (3-4): 151-156.
    The larvae of two cerambycids of Guadeloupe (French Antilles), Chaetanes fleutiauxi Villiers and Leptostyloides assimilis (Gah.), are described for the first time and compared with closely related species (in French with English summary).

  4. VITALI F., 2002a - Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane, 407 - Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana 133 (3): 272.
    Parmena subpubescens Hell. is recorded for the first time in Middle Italy (in Italian).

  5. VITALI F., 2002b - Versetzung der Tribus Holopterini Lacordaire, 1869 zur Unterfamilie Lepturinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Entomofauna 23 (3): 29-33.
    The genus Holopterus Blanch. and the tribe Holopterini (originally belonging to the subfamily Cerambycinae) are transferred to the subfamily Lepturinae (in German with English summary).

  6. VITALI F., 2002c - Acrepidopterum reseri nov. sp., a new Jamaican longicorn beetle (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Ptericoptini) - Spixiana 25 (2): 173-175.
    Acrepidopterum reseri n. sp. from Jamaica (West-Indies) is described and compared with its congeners (in English with German summary).

  7. VITALI F. & REZBANYAI-RESER L.,2003a - Beiträge zur Insektenfauna von Jamaika, Westindien (Karibik). 5. Bockkäfer (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) - Les Cahiers Magellanes 26: 1-16.

  8. VITALI F. & REZBANYAI-RESER L., 2003b - Beiträge zur Insektenfauna von Jamaika, Westindien (Karibik). 5. Bockkäfer, Teil II (Folge)(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) - Les Cahiers Magellanes 27: 1-27.
    Malacopterus tenellus (F.); Plectromerus serratus (Cameron); Eburia pinarensis Zayas; Oxymerus aculeatus lebasi Dup.; Ataxia variegata Fish.; Desmiphora hirticollis (F.); Eupogonius pilosulus Chevr.; Eupogonius wickhami Fish.; Estoloides cf. affinis Brn.; Lagocheirus obsoletus dezayasi Dill., Styloleptus biustus fisheri Gilm., Styloleptus scurra (Chvr.) and Alcidion umbraticum (DuV.) are reported for Jamaica for the first time
    Merostenus productus (Wh.) is recognised synonym of Merostenus tuberculatus Fish. n. syn.; Plectromerus serratus (Cameron) is recognised synonym of Plectromerus distinctus (Cameron) n. syn. and of P. crenulatus Cazier & Lacey n. syn., Styloleptus planicollis (Fish.) is recognised synonym of Styloleptus vanduzeei (Fish.) n. syn., S. .maraicola (Fish.) n. syn., S. divisus Gilm. n. syn. and S. albosuturalis Villiers n. syn.
    Cordylomera spinicornis
    (F.) is preoccupied by Elaphidion spinicorne (F.); therefore, Cordylomera torrida (Ol.) revalidated = Cordylomera spinicornis (F.) n. syn. Phylematium festivum (F.) is preoccupied by Chlorida festiva (F.); therefore, Philematium festum (Gmel.) revalidated = Philematium festivus (F.) n. syn. Lagocheirus tuberculatus (F.) is preoccupied by Cerambyx tuberculatus F.= Oreodera glauca (L.); therefore, Lagocheirus binumeratus Th. revalidated = Lagocheirus tuberculatus (F.) n. syn. Lagocheirus undatus (Voet) is preoccupied by Semanotus undatus (L.); therefore, Lagocheirus obsoletus Th. revalidated = Lagocheirus undatus (Voet) n. syn.
    Lagocheirus dezayasi Dill. is reputed Antillan subspecies of Lagocheirus obsoletus Th. n. status.
    Merostenus White is preoccupied by Merostenus Walker (Hymenoptera); therefore, the n. genus Caribbomerus and the following n. comb. are introduced: Caribbomerus picturatus (Napp & Martins), C. decoratus (Zayas ), C. exiguus (Zayas), C. howdeni (Napp & Martins), C. elongatus (Fish.), C. mexicanus (Napp & Martins ), C. productus (Wh.), C. brasiliensis (Napp & Martins ), C. asperatus (Fish.), C. attenuatus (Chvr.), C. similis (Fish.)
    Eugamandus jamaicensis n. sp. (Lamiinae, Acanthocinini) is described. (in German with English summary and keys).

  9. VITALI F., 2004a - Pseudosieversia europaea nov. sp. new species from Baltic amber (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae). - Les Cahiers Magellanes 35: 1-8.
    Pseudosieversia europaea, a new species included in Baltic amber (Upper Eocene) is described. The belonging to this genus and its relationships with related genera and extant species are discussed. Hypothesis of the palaeological history of this fossil and related species is proposed (in English with French summary).

  10. VITALI F., 2004b - Plectromerus tertiarius new fossil species from Hispaniola (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Curiini) - Lambillionea CIV (3): 453-458.
    Plectromerus tertiarius n. sp., included in amber of Dominican Republic (Lower Miocene) is described. The relationships with related genera and extant species are discussed (in English with Spanish summary).

  11. VITALI F., 2004c - Palaeological consideration about a Paracorymbia hybrida (Rey, 1885) relict station (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae) - Biocosme Mesogéen 20 (3-4): 137-144.
    Recent and Würm distribution of Paracorymbia hybrida (Rey) in the Alps is discussed in connection with the spreading of its original host Abies alba Mill. and of closely related species of the genus Paracorymbia Miroshnikov (in English with French summary).

  12. VITALI F., 2004d - Xylotrechus smei (Castelnau & Gory, 1841), its presence in Palaearctic region and description of the pupa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Doriana VII (340): 1-7.
    The pupa of Xylotrechus smei (Laporte & Gory, 1841) is described and illustrated for the first time. The presence of such species (erroneously identified by some authors as Xylotrechus stebbingi Gah.) in Palaearctic is proved by geographical, biological and morphological characters. (in English with Italian summary).

  13. VITALI F., 2005a - Vesperus strepens m. litigiosus Mulsant, 1862 new species for Italy (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Vesperinae) - Lambillionea CV (2): 331-334.
    The presence of Vesperus strepens m. litigiosus Muls. is reported in the extreme western area of the Italian Maritime Alps. The spreading of this originally endemic French longhorn and of the Italian endemic Vesperus ligusticus Vitali are discussed (in English with French summary).

  14. VITALI F., 2005b - Notes about European fossil Lepturinae and the description of a new species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae) - Lambillionea CV (4): 530-538.
    New observations on Pseudosieversia europaea Vitali (Baltic, Eocene) are added to the original description. Paracorymbia antiqua n. sp. (Baltic, Upper Eocene) is described. Leptura? bartoniana Cockerell (Bartonian, Eocene) is transferred to the genus Stictoleptura Casey, subgenus Melanoleptura Miroshnikov n. comb. Taxonomic position of Strangalia berendtiana Zang (Baltic, Upper Eocene) and of Leptura longipennis Statz (Rott, Middle Oligocene) are discussed (in English).

  15. VITALI F. & TOUROULT J., 2005 - Contribution à la connaisance des larves des longicornes des Antilles françaises (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - L'Entomologiste 61 (2): 64-81.
    The larvae of six cerambycids of the French Antilles, Solenoptera canaliculata (F.), Eburia decemmaculata (F.), Neocompsa cylindricollis (F.), Hypsioma grisea (Fleutiaux & Sallé), Oncideres amputator (F.) and Neseuterpia curvipes Villiers are described and illustrated for the first time. Keys for the determination of the known Ibidionini, Onciderini, and of known cerambycid larvae of French Antilles are provided (in French with English summary).

  16. VITALI F., 2006a - About Aenictosoma doenitzi Schaufuss, 1891 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Scydmaenidae) - Spixiana 29 (2): 99-101.
    Aenictosoma doenitzi Schauf., a fossil beetle included in Baltic amber (Upper Eocene) and doubtfully described as cerambycid, has all typical characters of the Scydmaenidae Mastiginae Clidicini, where it is herewith transferred. Hypotheses of its palaeological history are outlined (in English with German summary).

  17. VITALI F., 2006b - A new cerambycid from Dominican amber and remarks on the fossil Plectromerus-species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 1 (1): 1-12.
    A new fossil species, Pterolophosoma otiliae n. gen. n. sp. (Lamiinae), included in Dominican amber (Early Miocene) is described. Remarks about another specimen of Plectromerus tertiarius Vitali and of Plectromerus grimaldii Nearns & Branham (Cerambycinae, Curiini) are added to the original description (in English with Spanish summary).

Pterolophosoma otiliae Vitali, 2006

  1. VITALI F., 2006c - About two Batrachorhina-species included in Malagasy copal (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 1(2): 13-20
    The discovery of two sub-fossils Batrachorhina (Coedomea) lateritia (Fairm.) and B. (Coedomea) nervulata (Fairm.) included in Malagasy copal is reported. The latter species is considered an older synonym of B. (Coedomea) drappieri Brn. n. syn., whose type is recognised (in English with French summary).

Batrachorina (Coedomea) nervulata (Fairmaire, 1894)

  1. VITALI F., 2006d - The real taxonomic position of Spondylis florissantensis Wickham, 1920 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 1(2): 21-27.
    The taxonomic position of Protospondylis florissantensis (Wickh.), Florissant, Oligocene, is analysed. Parandra Latreille, 1804 has resulted to be an older synonym of Protospondylis Linsley, 1942 n. syn. Accordingly, Spondylis florissantensis Wickh. becomes Parandra florissantensis (Wickh.) n. comb. (in English with Italian summary).

  2. VITALI F., 2006e - Contribution à la connaissance des Nethinius malgaches (Coleoptera Disteniidae) - L'Entomologiste 62 (5-6):175-178
    Two new species of the genus Nethinius Fairm., N. curlettii n. sp. from Antsiranana (North Madagascar) and N. ballerioi n. sp. from Toamasina (East Madagascar), are described. New faunistic data regarding the distribution of this genus in Madagascar are provided.
    (in French with English summary)

  3. VITALI F., 2006f - Taxonomic, biological and evolutionistic notes on the Spondylidinae included in Baltic amber (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 1 (3): 29-44.
    Nothorrhina granulicollis Zang, 1905 is corrected in Nothorhina granulicollis Zang, 1905. Nothorhina Redtenbacher, 1845 is recognised as an older synonym of Palaeoasemum Abdullah, 1967 n. syn. N. granulicollis is recognised as an older synonym of Palaeoasemum crowsoni Abdullah, 1967 n. syn. and P. duffyi Abdullah, 1967 n. syn. Spondylis crassicornis Giebel, 1856 must be considered as Cerambycidae incertae sedis. The biology, the geonemy and the palaeohistory of N. granulicollis are proposed (in English with German summary)

    Nothorhina granulicollis Zang, 1905

  4. VITALI F. & TOUROULT J., 2006a - Contribution à la connaissance des états pré-imaginaux des longicornes de Guadeloupe (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - L'Entomologiste 62 (1-2): 3-6.
    The pupa of Solenoptera canaliculata (F.) and the larvae of Solenoptera sulcicollis Th., Elaphidion conspersum (Newm.) and Amniscus similis (Gah.) are described and illustrated for the first time. A key for the determination of the known larvae of Elaphidiini is added (in French with English summary).

  5. VITALI F. & TOUROULT J., 2006b - Contribution à la connaissance des états pré-imaginaux des longicornes des Canaries (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) - Lambillionea CVI (2): 193-201.
    The description of the preimaginal stadia (larva, pupa and cocoon) and some biological observations about Lepromoris gibba (Brullé) are provided. The larva of Stenidea albida (Brullé) is described (in French with English summary).

  6. VITALI F., WOLF K. W. & HAXAIRE J., 2006 - Biological and faunistic notes on the Jamaican population of Steirastoma histrionicum White, 1855 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Lambillionea CVI (4): 661-667.
    Steirastoma histrionicum Wh. is accredited as a stabile presence in Jamaica, while S. breve (Sulz.) is considered as a temporary or erroneous presence. The former species is also recorded from Venezuela for the first time. Notes about the behaviour, the distribution and the introduction in Jamaica of this species are added (in English).

  7. VITALI F., 2007a - A new species of Corticeus Piller & Mitterpacher, 1783 from Dominican amber (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 2 (1): 1-6.
    Corticeus tertiarius n. sp., a new fossil tenebrionid-species from Dominican amber (Early Miocene) is described. A comparison of this new species to their extant congeners is presented (in English with Spanish summary).

    Corticeus tertiarius Vitali, 2007

  8. VITALI F., 2007b - About some sub-fossil Glaucytini included in Malagasy copal (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 2 (1): 7-13.
    The discovery of two sub-fossil specimens of Iresioides ferox Th. (Cerambycinae Glaucytini) included in Malagasy copal is reported. Ibidion alienum Qued. from Malagasy copal, whose type is currently lost, is tentatively recognised as another sub-fossil specimen of this species. Consequently, Iresioides ferox is recognised as being an older synonym of Ibidion alienum n. syn. (in English with French summary).

  9. VITALI F., 2007c - Short Notes I: Observations about another specimen of Pseudosieversia europaea Vitali, 2004 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 2 (1): 14.

  10. VITALI F., 2007d - Short Notes II: About the identity of Dorcadionoides subaeneus Motschulsky, 1857 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 2 (1): 15-16.

  11. VITALI F., 2007e - Anomalies multiples chez un exemplaire tératologique d'Acanthinodera cumingii (Hope, 1833) (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - L'Entomologiste 63 (2): 87-88
    A specimen of Acanthinodera cumingii (Hope) (Cerambycidae Prioninae) affected by antennal, pronotal and elytral multifarious teratology is described (in French with English summary).

  12. VITALI F., 2007f - Notes and taxonomic corrections to the Beiträge von Insektenfauna von Jamaika, Cerambycidae (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) -Entomapeiron (N. S.) 1 (2): 37-59.
    New taxonomic considerations and corrections are added to the Beiträge von Insektenfauna von Jamaika, Cerambycidae (Vitali & Rezbanyai-Reser, 2003). Four new species of cerambycids from Jamaica (West-Indies) are here described: Stizocera jamaicensis n. sp. (Cerambycinae Elaphidiini), Eburia (Eleutho) consobrinoides n. sp. (Cerambycinae Eburiini), Ataxia crassa n. sp. (Lamiinae Pteropliini), Estoloides (s. str.) medioplagiata nov. sp. (Lamiinae Desmiphorini). Curtomerus flavus (Fabricius, 1775) is transferred from the tribe Elaphidiini to Callidiopini. Eleutho Thomson, 1864 (Cerambycinae Eburiini) is here rehabilitated and considered as a subgenus (n. status) of Eburia. According to the ICZN Art. 15, the tribe Prinobiini Vives, 2000 is considered as an inval. nom. Elaphidion transversum White, 1853 is transferred to the genus Anelaphus, as follows: Anelaphus transversus (White, 1853) n. comb. Elaphidion jamaicense Fisher, 1932 rest. status is removed from the synonymy with Elaphidion tuberculicolle Fisher, 1932. According to the ICZN Art. 23.9., the names Cordylomera spinicornis (F.), Philematium festivum (F.), Lagocheirus tuberculatus (F.) and Lagocheirus undatus (Voet) must be conserved. Consequently, Lagocheirus obsoletus dezayasi Dillon, 1957 becomes Lagocheirus undatus dezayasi (Dillon, 1957) n. comb. Styloleptus biustus fisheri Gilmour 1965 is considered as a younger synonym of Styloleptus scurra var. dorsalis Fisher, 1926 n. syn. Consequently, the presence of Styloleptus scurra (Chevrolat, 1862) in Jamaica must be considered as erroneous (in English with German summary).

  13. VITALI F., 2007g - A new fossil species of Elaphidion Audinet-Serville, 1834 with systematic notes on the Lamiinae from Dominican amber (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 2 (3): 29-39.
    A new fossil species, Elaphidion inclusum n. sp. (Elaphidiini), included in Dominican amber (Early Miocene) is described. The genus Pterolophosoma Vitali (Dominican amber, Early Miocene) is transferred from Lamiinae incertae sedis to the tribe Desmiphorini. The systematic position of Paleohemilophus dominicanus Martins & Galileo (Dominican amber, Early Miocene) is analysed, stating its very close relationship with the North American genus Hemierana Aur. (in English with Spanish summary).

    Elaphidion inclusum Vitali, 2007

  14. VITALI F., 2007h - Short notes III: The taxonomic position of Haplocnemia sophiae Statz, 1938 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 2 (3): 40.

  15. VITALI F., 2007i - About the taxonomic status of some species of the genus Aeolesthes Gahan, 1890 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (N. S.) 1 (3): 65-80.
    Hoplocerambyx inhirsutus (Matsushita, 1932) is transferred to the genus Aeolesthes Gah., as it was originally described: Aeolesthes inhirsuta Matsushita, 1932 rest. status. Pachydissus externus Pascoe, 1869 is rehabilitated as valid species inside of the genus Aeolesthes, as follows: Aeolesthes externa (Pascoe, 1869) rest. status, n. comb. This species is also considered as an older synonym of Pachydyssus frenchi n. syn. Aeolesthes? nishikawai Hayashi, 1975 is transferred to the genus Nadezhdiella Plav., as follows: Nadezhdiella nishikawai (Hayashi, 1975) n. comb. (in English with German summary).

  16. VITALI F. & CASADIO C. A., 2007 - Contribution to the Cerambycid Fauna of the Solomon Islands (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (N. S.) 1 (1): 1-36.
    Twenty-three species of longhorn-beetles are recorded from the Solomon Islands, most of them resulting new for the recorded localities. Acalolepta mixta (Hope) and Jothocera tomentosa (Buq.) are new for the Solomons. Pelargoderus stellatus n. sp. is described. Dihammus lessoni sericeiceps Kriesche, 1936 is considered as a separated species from the typical form, as follows: Acalolepta sericeiceps (Kriesche, 1936) n. status. Dihammus blairi Breuning, 1935 is considered as an older synonym of D. salomonum Breuning, 1938 n. syn. Dihammus griseofumatus Gressitt, 1952 is considered as an older synonym of D. trigonus Gressitt, 1952 n. syn. Monochamus acanthias Pascoe, 1875 is considered as an older synonym of Dihammus fasciatus aurivarius Gressitt, 1952 n. syn. The subspecies Periaptodes frater salomonum Kriesche, 1936 n. syn. is considered as a synonym of the typical form. Batocera una White, 1858 is considered an older synonym of B. porioni Rigout, 1987 n. syn. The male of Pterolophia (Ale) biplagiaticollis Brn. is described. Keys to the Solomon species of the genera Pterolophia, Prosoplus and Acalolepta are provided (in English with Italian summary)

    Pelargoderus stellatus Vitali & Casadio, 2007
  17. VITALI F. & HAXAIRE J., 2007 - A new species of Plectromerus Haldeman from Jamaica (West-Indies) (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (N. S.) 1 (2): 60-64.
    Plectromerus pseudoexis n. sp., a new cerambycid species from Jamaica (West-Indies), is here described and compared with its closer congeners.

  18. BELLÉS X. & VITALI F., 2007 - New fossil spider beetles from Baltic amber (Coleoptera Ptinidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 2 (2): 17-28
    Two new fossil spider beetles, Sucinoptinus sucini n. gen. n. sp. and Ptinus (Gynopterus) inclusus n. sp., included in Baltic amber (Late Eocene) are described. Remarks on these species, on their relationships with the extant Ptinidae, and on their possible association with coniferous forests, are provided (in English with German summary)

  19. VITALI F., 2008a - Systematic revision of the fossil cerambycids from Geiseltal (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 3 (1): 1-10
    The fossil cerambycid species from Geiseltal (Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, Middle Eocene) are analysed. Xyleoconites proavus Haupt, 1950, is transferred from Prioninae incertae sedis to Prioninae Macrotomini, while Eocallidium rugulosus Haupt, 1950, corrected in Eocallidium rugulosum Haupt, 1950, is transferred to Tenebrionidae (in English with German summary).

  20. VITALI F., 2008b - A new species of Tyrtaeus Champion, 1913 from Dominican amber (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 3 (1): 11-15
    Tyrtaeus cupreorutilans n. sp., a new fossil darkling beetle from Dominican amber (Early Miocene), is described. A comparison of this new species to their extant and fossil congeners is presented (in English with Spanish summary).

  21. VITALI F., 2008c - Taxonomic and faunistic notes about the genus Olethrius Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (N. S.) 2(1): 1-32
    The systematic position of the species closely related to Olethrius tyrannus Th. is revised. Olethrius scabripennis Thomson, 1865 is considered bona species. It is also considered as an older synonym of Olethrius villosus Dillon & Dillon, 1952 n. syn. Olethrius tyrannus Th. is considered as an older synonym of Olethrius brevicornis Dillon & Dillon, 1952 n. syn. and of Olethrius torresianus Hayashi, 1960 n. syn. A new subspecies widespread in New Guinea, Woodlark and most of the Solomons, namely Olethrius tyrannus salomonum n. ssp., is described. Olethrius laevipennis n. sp. from Australia is described. Biological, faunistic data and a key to the genus Olethrius are provided. The new genus Samolethrius n. gen. (type genus: Mallodon insularis Fairmaire, 1850) is introduced for Olethrius insularis (Fairmaire, 1850) and O. subnitidus Aurivillius, 1928. Consequently, the following new combinations are introduced: Samolethrius insularis (Fairmaire, 1850) n. comb. and Samolethrius subnitidus (Aurivillius, 1928) n. comb. Hypotheses of the evolution of this genus are provided. Rhaphipodini Lameere, 1912 n. status are considered as a separated tribe including the genera Mecosarthron Buq., Samolethrius n. gen., Olethrius Th., Mallodonopsis Th., Ialyssus Th., Agrianome Th., Rhaphipodus Serv., Rhaesus Motsch., Remphan Waterh. and Paroplites Lam. (in English with French summary).

  22. VITALI F., 2009a - Two new longhorned beetles from Dominican amber (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Denisia 69: 223-230
    Two new fossil cerambycid species included in Dominican amber, Elaphidion tocanum n. sp. (Cerambycinae Elaphidiini), from La Toca (Middle Eocene-Early Oligocene) and Kallyntrosternidius bucarensis n. gen. n. sp. (Lamiinae Acanthocinini) from La Bucara (Late Oligocene) are described. Comparisons with extinct and extant Elaphidion-species and extant genera of American Acanthocinini are provided (in English with Lithuanian and German summary).

  23. VITALI F., 2009b - The cerambycids included in Baltic amber: current knowledge status with the description of new taxa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Denisia 69: 231-242
    A synopsis of all cerambycid species recorded from Baltic amber until today is provided and analysed according to the current systematic and paleontological knowledge. Only eight species result to be valid. A further new species, Encyclopidonia punctatissima n. gen. n. sp. (Cerambycidae, Lepturinae, Rhagiini), is described. The new genus Trichosieversia n. gen. for Pseudosieversia europaea Vitali is instituted. The analysis of the cerambycid Baltic fauna strongly implies the presence of temperate environmental conditions and suggests therefore to date the Baltic amber at least to the Early Oligocene (in English with Lithuanian and German summary).

  24. VITALI F., 2009c - About some interesting fossil and sub-fossil Cerambycids of the collection Velten (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Lambillionea CIX (3): 352-357.
    A new fossil species, Anelaphus velteni n. sp. (Dominican amber, Miocene), is described and confronted with extant and fossil congeners. Observations about new specimens of Trichosieversia europaea (Vitali) (Baltic amber), Plectromerus tertiarius Vitali (Dominican amber) and Iresioides ferox Th. (Malagasy copal) are added (in English with German summary).

  25. VITALI F. & NAGIRNYI V., 2009 - Nemophas ramosi Schultze, 1920, a forgotten Philippine species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Lambillionea CIX (4): 470-475.
    Nemophas rosenbergii ramosi Schultze, 1920 from Mindanao (Philippines) is removed from the synonymy with N. subcylindricus Aurivillius, 1927 and considered as bona species, as follows: Nemophas ramosi Schultze, 1920 n. stat. Nemophas zonatus Lansberge is recorded for the first time from Flores Island and N. bicinctus Lansberge from Sulawesi. Nemophas rosenbergii Ritsema and N. grayii (Pascoe) are restored at their original spellings. A key to the genus Nemophas Thomson is provided (in English with French summary).

  26. VITALI F., 2010a - Diplocoelus probiphyllus n. sp., the first known fossil False Skin Beetle (Coleoptera: Biphyllidae) - Annales de la Société entomologique de France 46 (1/2): 168-172.
    The first known fossil species of the family Biphyllidae, Diplocoelus probiphyllus n. sp., is described from Baltic amber. This species, which shows intermediate characters between Diplocoelus Guérin-Ménéville and Biphyllus Dejean, also suggests the presence of temperate mixed forests and a climate much cooler than it has been until today hypothesised for Baltic Amber (in English with French summary).

  27. VITALI F., 2010b - Taxonomic and synonymic notes about some Indonesian species of the genus Acalolepta Pascoe, 1858 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiini) - Suara Serangga Papua 4 (4): 94-98.
    Four Indonesian Acalolepta-species (convexa Pascoe, 1866; solata Pascoe, 1866; bolanica Aurivillius, 1926 and solata nodias Kriesche, 1936) are investigated. Acalolepta bolanica (Aurivillius, 1926) is considered as a senior synonym of A. solata nodias (Kriesche, 1936) n. syn. Acalolepta solata (Pascoe, 1866) n. comb. is removed from the synonymy with Acalolepta convexa (Pascoe, 1866) (in English with Indonesian summary).

  28. VITALI F., 2010c - Taxonomic and faunistic notes about some Asian cerambycids belonging to the National museum of natural history of Luxembourg (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Lambillionea CX (2): 179-184.
    Several taxonomic corrections are provided according to different articles of the ICZN. In particular, Milothris marmorea (Schönherr, 1817) rest. status = M. irrorata (Fabricius, 1801 nec 1787) n. syn. The following species are recorded for the first time: Xixuthrus solomonensis Marazzi & Marazzi and Aeolesthes externa (Pascoe) for Bougainville (Papua New Guinea), Sclethrus macgregori (Schultze) for Masbate (Philippines), Demonax dubius Aurivillius and D. trifasciatus Aurivillius for Mindanao (Philippines) (in English with French summary).

  29. VITALI F., 2010d - Catalogue of the types of the Cerambycoidea of the National Museum of Natural History of Luxembourg - Annales de la Societé entomologique de Belgique 80: 109-126
    A list of the types preserved in the National Museum of Natural History of Luxembourg (MNHNL) is provided. Lectotypes of Hastertia bougainvillei Lameere, 1912; Clinopleurus lansbergei Lameere, 1912; Oligoenoplus luzonicus Schwarzer, 1926; Jonthodes nodicollis Hintz, 1919; Calanthemis aurescens Hintz, 1911; Chlorophorus manillae var. aurivilliusi Schwarzer, 1926; Xylotrechus jordani Hintz, 1911; Pachydissus congolensis Hintz, 1911; Isosaphanus ferranti Hintz, 1913; Metopotylus costatus Hintz, 1911; Xystrocera metallica var. atripes Hintz, 1911; Xystrocera latipes Hintz, 1911; Xystrocera lujae Hintz, 1911; Velleda congolensis Hintz, 1911; Aderpas albomaculatus Hintz, 1913; Aderpas uniformis Hintz, 1913; Cyclocerus ferranti Hintz, 1911; Eumimetes griseus Hintz, 1911; Protonarthron dubium Hintz, 1911; Eudryoctenes corticarius Hintz, 1911 and Glenea congolensis Hintz, 1911 are designated in the MNHNL. Lectotypes of Frea fasciata Hintz, 1912; Oxyhammus konduensis Hintz, 1913; Sternotomiella viridis Hintz, 1913; Pinacosternodes maculatus Hintz, 1913 and Pinacosternodes uniformis Hintz, 1913 are designated in the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Brussels. Hintz is recognised as the senior author of Hospes scutellaris and Jonthodes nodicollis. Jonthodes nodicollis Hintz, 1919 is transferred to the genus Hybunca Schmidt, 1922, as follows: Hybunca nodicollis (Hintz, 1919) n. comb. The following synonymies are established: Hospes nodicollis Burgeon, 1931 nec Hintz, 1919 n. syn. and Hybunca nodicollis Burgeon, 1931 nec Hintz, 1919 n. syn. (in English with French summary).

  30. VITALI F., 2010e - A new fossil species of the genus Stizocera Audinet-Serville, 1834 from Dominican amber (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Lambillionea CX, 3, 2010 : 340-343.
    A new fossil cerambycid species, Stizocera evanescens n. sp. from Dominican amber, Miocene, is described and compared with extant congeners (in English with German summary).

  31. HALLER P. & VITALI F., 2010 - Une nouvelle espèce de Pachydissus Newman, 1838 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Lambillionea CX (2): 263-266.
    A new species of the genus Pachydissus Newman, 1838 from Cameroon, Pachydissus evounai n. sp., is described. A new key to the African Pachydissus-species is provided (in French with English summary).

  32. VITALI F. & MENUFANDU H., 2010 - A new species of Protilema Aurivillius, 1908 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Morimopsini) from Waigeo Island, New Guinea - Suara Serangga Papua 4 (4): 89-93.
    Protilema papus n. sp. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is described from the Waigeo Island (Indonesia, West Papua). Observations regarding congener species and other genera of the tribe Morimopsini from New Guinea are provided (in English with Indonesian summary).

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