Pseudosieversia europaea Vitali, 2004 reconstruction

Francesco Vitali, 2004 - Pseudosieversia europaea nov. sp. new species from Baltic amber (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae) - Les Cahiers Magellanes, 35: 1-8 ISBN 2-911545-51-6

Pseudosieversia europaea nov. sp., is a Tertiary fossil species belonging to Scandes broad-leaf forests of about 37 millions years ago.

Presently, Pseudosieversia is represented with one species (rufa) in Amur-Corea-NE China, and with three species (japonica, amanoi, shikokouensis) in Japan.

Relationships among P. europaea nov. sp., related genera and current congeners are discussed.
Hypothesis of palaeological history of this and of related species is provided.

(in English with French summary)

News about this exceptional discovery has been reported by the newpapers Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Frankfurt, Germany), Oberösterreichische Nachrichten (Linz, Austria), Die Tagespost (Würzburg, Germany) and by the specialised magazine Fossilien, Zeitschrift für Hobbypaläontologen (Wiebelsheim, Germany).

Pseudosieversia europaea Vitali, 2004
