Francesco Vitali, 2006c - About two Batrachorhina-species included in Malagasy copal (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Entomapeiron (P. S.) 1(2): 13-20
ISBN 10: 88-87400-02-4; ISBN13: 978-88-87400-02-1

The discovery of two sub-fossil specimens of Batrachorhina (Coedomea) lateritia (Fairmaire, 1894) and Batrachorhina. (Coedomea) nervulata (Fairmaire, 1894) included in Malagasy copal is reported.

The latter species is considered an older synonym of Batrachorhina (Coedomea) drappieri Breuning, 1957 nov. syn., whose type, preserved in the Istitut Royal de Sciences Naturelles de Bruxelles, is here recognised.

(In English with French summary)

Batrachorhina (Coedomea) lateritia (Fairmaire, 1894)
Batrachorhina. (Coedomea) nervulata (Fairmaire, 1894)
