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Francesco Vitali, 2002 - Versetzung der
Tribus Holopterini Lacordaire, 1869 zur Unterfamilie
Lepturinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - Entomofauna, 23 (3):
29-33 The genus Holopterus Blanchard, 1851 has important typical lepturoid characters: cheeks anteriorly prolonged, head abruptly narrower posteriorly, eyes not deeply emarginate, distinct mentigerous process , antennae inserted closely before the eyes, front coxae conical , front acetabula posteriorly open and angulate at the outer side, mesonotum with divided stridulatory area, first cubital vein of hind wings with 3 branches. Moreover, the hind wings have only typical necydaloid or vesperoid characters: cubital cross-vein connected directly with principal branch of first cubital vein and cubital cell wanting. Therefore, the tribes Holopterini Lacordaire, 1869 is transferred from subfamily Cerambycinae to the subfamily Lepturinae, where it is considered as good distinct tribe. Phylogenetic relationships with the subfamilies Necydalinae and Vesperinae and the tribe Rhagiini are discussed. (in German with English summary). |