Francesco Vitali, 2001a -
Description des ufs des espèces françaises du
genre Cerambyx.
(première contribution à l'étude des ufs des
longicornes) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) - Les
Cahiers Magellanes, 4: 1-14 ISBN 2-911545-08-7 The eggs of Cerambyx welensii Küst., Cerambyx cerdo L., Cerambyx miles Bonelli and Cerambyx scopolii Füsslins are described and illustrated with drawings and micrographs for the first time. The descriptions are not only limited to the general shape and dimensions of the egg but they provide carachters, measures and variability of each anatomic particular. Therefore, they are comparable to the descriptions of adult insects and they permit to identify without incertitudes each the corresponding adult Finally, a comparative key to the French Cerambyx-species is provided on the basis of the egg-structure. (in French with English summary and key) |
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