Francesco Vitali, 2002 - Acrepidopterum reseri nov. sp., a new Jamaican longicorn beetle (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Ptericoptini) - Spixiana 25 (2): 173-175

Acrepidopterum reseri nov. sp. is endemic species of Jamaica (West-Indies)

The genus Acrepidopterum Fisher, 1926 includes 5 species: minutum Fisher, 1926 (Cuba and Jamaica), acutum Zayas, 1975 (Cuba), jamaicense Fisher, 1942 (Jamaica), pilosum Fisher, 1932 (Hispaniola)
A. pilosum Fisher, the only other species of this genus covered with erect setae, differs from such species through a different elytral pattern (with wide brown transversal band) and the tibiae covered with a brown ring of pubescence.

This species is dedicated to its collector, Dr. Ladislaus Rezbanyai-Reser, Natur-Museum of Luzern (Switzerland)

The Holotype is deposed in the ZSM (Zoologische Staatssammlung, Münich, Germany).

(in English with German summary).
