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Vitali, 2005b - Notes about European fossil Lepturinae
and the description of a new species (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Lepturinae) - Lambillionea CV (4): 530-538. New observations on Pseudosieversia europaea Vitali., 2004 (Baltic amber, Late Eocene) are added to the original description. Paracorymbia
antiqua nov. sp. (Baltic amber,
Late Eocene) is described. Leptura? bartoniana
Cockerell, 1920 (Creeck, Late Eocene) is compared with
closely related taxa of the Recent and it is transferred
to Melanoleptura Miroshnikov, here considered
subgenus of Stictoleptura Casey nov.
status: Stictoleptura (Melanoleptura)
bartoniana (Cockerell, 1920) nov. comb. Taxonomic position of Strangalia berendtiana Zang, 1905 (Baltic amber, Late Eocene) and of Leptura longipennis Statz, 1938 (Rott, Late Oligocene) are discussed. (in English). |